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Jonathan M Hall
jmhall at
Mon Apr 18 10:52:27 EDT 2005
Dear KineJapanners,
Given its emphasis on the transnational, I thought KineJapanners might be
interested in this symposium on Korean cinema to be held at UC Irvine this
Thursday. Irvine just finished its two-week annual Vietnamese Film
Trajectories of Korean Cinema Studies
Thursday April 21, 2005
HIB 135
Korean cinema has become in the past decade one of the most vibrant and
successful industries in world cinema. This one-day workshop will feature
leading young specialists in the field who will explore various aspects
and trajectories of its study.
Panel 1 - 2:30 pm
Eunsun Cho (PhD Candidate, University of Southern California)
"Transnational Hybrid in Korean National Cinema: Korean Cinema of the 60s
and Italian Neo-Realism"
Jinsoo An (Postdoctoral Fellow, New York University)
"Dangerous Liaisons: Inter-ethnic Romance in South Korean Cinema"
Hye Seung Chung (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
"The Untranslatables: Cultural Specificity in Transnational Korean Cinema"
Panel 2 4:30 pm
Hyungsook Lee (PhD Candidate, University of Southern California)
"Old Boy and the Burden of Transnational Asian Film"
Yung Bin Kwak (PhD Candidate, University of Iowa)
"After Politics Revolution! (Yet With/As a Vengeance)": On Sympathy for
Mr. Vengeance
Reception - 6:00 pm HIB 137
The workshop will be followed by a screening of E J-yongs Untold
Scandal, director in attendance.
Thanks to the generous support of:
Humanities Center
Film and Video Center
Center for Asian Studies
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
For more information visit the website at or contact Steven Chung at
sychung at
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