Hisako Hara obituary and filmography

Aaron Gerow gerowaaron at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 8 09:41:57 EST 2005

Unfortunately, the IMDb has lots of such mistakes, so it is not 
surprising that this happened. What makes matters worse is that not 
only has Hara Hisako's entries (原ひさ子) been spread among two people, but 
that the actress who did Aki tachinu, Sarariman shusse daikoki and 
other films is Hara Chisako (原知佐子) according to the JMDB.

This should remind us all never to use IMDb info in a publication 
unless you cross check it (though that is good advice for information 
from any reference source--the JMDb and even KineJun get it wrong 

According to the Japanese obit, Hara Hisako joined Zenshinza, which 
explains early films like Humanity and Paper Baloons and Abe ichizoku. 
She also appeared a lot on TV, especially on variety shows, and was 
known to some as "Japan's grandma". Her last film was Takenaka Naoto's 
Sayonara Color.

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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