Hisako Hara obituary and filmography
Michael E Kerpan Jr
Thu Dec 8 19:44:48 EST 2005
Thanks for this additional information, Aaron.
As far as I can tell, the role Hisako Hara played in Yamanaka's film was a
small one -- probably the wife (?) of the rich man whose daughter Morita is
sponsoring for marriage to the young samurai (who I don't think we ever see).
She doesn't say anything -- mainly she sits fanning her merchant husband.
Hara doesn't make it onto JMDB's "Kuroi ame" cast list -- it's like she had
seventh billing and they only list six performers. ;~}
On Thursday 08 December 2005 09:41, Aaron Gerow wrote:
> Unfortunately, the IMDb has lots of such mistakes, so it is not
> surprising that this happened. What makes matters worse is that not
> only has Hara Hisako's entries (????) been spread among two people, but
> that the actress who did Aki tachinu, Sarariman shusse daikoki and
> other films is Hara Chisako (????) according to the JMDB.
> This should remind us all never to use IMDb info in a publication
> unless you cross check it (though that is good advice for information
> from any reference source--the JMDb and even KineJun get it wrong
> occasionally).
> According to the Japanese obit, Hara Hisako joined Zenshinza, which
> explains early films like Humanity and Paper Baloons and Abe ichizoku.
> She also appeared a lot on TV, especially on variety shows, and was
> known to some as "Japan's grandma". Her last film was Takenaka Naoto's
> Sayonara Color.
> Aaron Gerow
> KineJapan owner
> Assistant Professor
> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
> Yale University
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