query: films with deaf-mute protagonists

Ivo Smits i.b.smits at let.leidenuniv.nl
Fri Jun 10 04:44:47 EDT 2005

Dear all,

I have only recently joined the list, but here is my first query:

a colleague of mine is trying to trace a b/w Japanese film he once  
saw around 1975.
The film has as its protagonists a boy and girl, both deaf, and  
features, amongst others, a scene in a train, or rather, two trains,  
each of them carrying a protagonist. They communicate through sign  
language, and are obviously not bothered by the deafening roar of the  

Does anyone know which film this may have been?

BTW, Kitano's "Ano natsu, ichiban shizuka na umi" came to mind as  
another film about deaf/deaf-mute protagonists. Are there more  
Japanese films that deal with deaf people?

Best wishes,
     Ivo Smits

Dr Ivo Smits
Centre for Japanese and Korean Studies
Leiden University
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA  Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel   +31-71-527 2545 (direct)/ 2539 (secr.)
Fax  +31-71-527 2215
E-mail:  i.b.smits at let.leidenuniv.nl (日本語もどうぞ)

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