15th Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Jonathan M Hall jmhall at uci.edu
Sun Jul 9 07:09:23 EDT 2006

Dear KineJapanners,

The 15th Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival has begun.  
Screenings and events [notably for this list, Oki Hiroyuki's g8-2 
(kari) and a video screening of dumb type's S/N]  took place this 
weekend at Tokyo Women's Plaza Hall, but the majority of events will be 
at Spiral Hall in Omotesando next weekend.  Japanese entries include 
"Japanese Shorts," Desiree Lim's Floored by Love [2004, Japan]  and  
Shimokura Isao's Silk [2006, Japan], though I'm equally excited to see 
Ligy J. Pullappally's Sancharram (The Journey) [2005, India] and 
Brillante Mendoza's Masahista (The Masseur) [2005, The Philippines.]

Access the English website:    

Jonathan M Hall

Jonathan M. Hall
Japanese Film, Media, and Modern Literature
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature / Film & Media Studies

320 Humanities Instructional Building
UC Irvine, Irvine CA 92697-2651 USA
office: 1-949-824-9778
fax: 1-949-824-1992
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