learning japanese script

Emma Newbery emmanewbery at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Aug 14 09:53:04 EDT 2007

Hello all.

I have just embarked upon the long path of learning to read and write 
Japanese. I am using the 'Japanese for busy people' workbooks, and have been 
sailing through learning hiragana, but much to my dismay when i went to try 
out my new skill on www.amazon.jp i find all the sentences to be combination 
of hirigana, kanji and katakana. I realise to all you who know how to read 
japanese this is very obvious, but it there anyone out there to whom 
japanese is not their first language who can instill me with some confidence 
that it is possible to learn it all -  and why are there 3 forms within one 

Emma Newbery BA (hons), MA, PGCE
Programme Leader
BTEC National Diploma in Media Productions
Blackpool and the Fylde College

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