Self introduction and a question--reply
Paul Arnold
Wed Aug 8 17:42:51 EDT 2007
That is the context I have been looking for. Thank you for the information
and quick reply.
On 8/8/07, Bill Tyler <tyler.20 at> wrote:
> Hello, Paul--I think what you are getting at is not "take action" as in
> the case of the verb/noun "k?d?" / ?? which means "action" onbehalf of
> some cause or crusade.
> Rather, as in a TV or movie filming, "action"is a cue for the actors to
> get ready to perform or to be filmed. In that case, the natural Japanese
> circumlocution is "honban" (or "honban desu" or
> "honban ni hairimasu").
> The characters are ?? ????? / ?????????
> The "ban" in the same ban as in "ichi-ban" ("Number 1" / ??).
> It combines with "hon" (which does not mean "book" in this case) to mean
> "the real number" or "the real turn." In other words, the performance at
> hand is the real thing
> or the serious film shot as opposed to a rehearsal number.
> When a director wants his/her actors to perform as though the show were
> the real thing, s/he will announce this is the "honban". I hope this is
> what you meant and that this helps.
> On Aug 8, 2007, at 12:25 AM, Paul Arnold wrote:
> Hello, My name is Paul Arnold. I am, among other things, an actor and
> stage manager. Right now, I'm working for a theatre in Texas, USA. I
> actually really love listening to the Japanese language in film. I think
> the cadences of the language are so different and musical from any of the
> European languages.
> One of the shows I'm working on at the moment is using some Asian
> influence in the designs. I've been trying to find the Japanese calligraphy
> character(s) that equates to the way an English-speaking film director might
> use the word "action!" Even the spelling of the appropriate word in the
> Latin alphabet would be helpful (the Romanji spelling, I think is the term).
> Thank you in advance.
> Paul Arnold
> William J. Tyler
> Associate Professor, Japanese Language & Literature
> Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures
> Ohio State University
> 398 Hagerty Hall
> 1775 College Drive
> Columbus, OH 43210-1340
> Telephone (direct) 614-292-3184
> tyler.20 at
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