ATG poster gallery

Mathieu Capel mathieucapel
Sat Dec 13 12:36:31 EST 2008

Great work, Martin ! And thanks to S?bastien/tampopo as well...
I am afraid I won't be able to help much, but I think that Eros+Massacre
poster was made by Hasegawa Genkichi, who was responsible for the posters
and title design of all Yoshida's films from Mizu de kakareta monogatari.
>From Eros he became director of photography as well, but I think he designed
this poster... and some more after that, maybe.

Mathieu Capel

2008/12/13 Sarah Teasley <s-teasley at>

> Dear Martin,
> Clearly I should have checked e-mail before sending off that last list!
> One thing: judging from the style of the illustration, I'd be willing to
> bet that the Hatsukoi poster on your site is by Uno Akira, not Yokoo
> Tadanori. The 1970-nendai Guraffizumu catalogue also lists it as designed by
> Uno.
> The graphic design and typography magazine IDEA has published some
> excellent things on Japanese designers who created posters for movies in the
> 1930s and 1960s in the past few years--Uno Akira, Yokoo Tadanori, Awazu
> Kiyoshi and Kono Takashi among them. The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo
> (MoMAT) also had a good exhibition of Kono's posters a few years ago.
> All best, and again, thanks for making the posters available online!
> Sarah
>  __________________________
> Sarah Teasley
> Assistant Professor of Art History
> Northwestern University
> s-teasley at
> On Dec 13, 2008, at 9:53 AM, eigagogo at wrote:
> Thanks for the link (i've finally found Shindo's Ningen visual!)
> 2 importants remarks:
> - this article doesn't list all alternative poster version which were
> sometimes
> made by a totally different artist for a specific movie theater (Roland
> kindly
> warned me about that specific fact!)
> - this article doesn't list non-japanese movie distributed by ATG network
> (there's quite a lot of movies involved!). i don't plan to add this to the
> article for the moment (too exhausting!)
> Here's what i could collect about artist informations:
> Maiko Ichikawa:
> Matatabi
> Kiyoshi Awazu:
> Himiko
> Shinju Ten no Amijima
> Otoshiana
> Ningen (B2 version)
> Setsu Asakura:
> Ninja Bugeicho
> Bara no soretsu
> Tadanori Yokoo:
> Kaidan Ikiteru Koheiji
> Hatsukoi Jigoku-hen
> Shinjuku dorobo nikki
> Terry Jonson et Tonny Rodriguez:
> Crazy Familly
> Manpeu Ikeuchi:
> Ososhiki
> Takashi Ishii:
> Kugatsu no jodan kurabu-bando
> Hayashi Seiichi:
> Mandara (Shinjuku Bunka version)
> Yoji Kuri:
> Nikudan (B2 version)
> Other 'non-ATG' arist would also deserve some gallery, Takashi Kono for
> example
> (you can check his Ozu's'Shukujo to hige' art at
> Selon wgardne1 at
> Martin,
> Since I happen to have some materials on this particular artist on hand, I
> can confirm that the posters for Otoshiana, Shinju ten no amijima, and
> Himiko are by AWAZU Kiyoshi. Also, I am 99% sure that the poster for
> Shinjuku dorobo nikki is by YOKOO Takanori (who also acts in the film). It
> would be interesting to have other info on graphic designers involved with
> ATG (no doubt a who's who of Japanese graphic design).
> Incidentally, Awazu Kiyoshi has a well-produced website (in Japanese and
> English) where you can view many of his poster designs and other works.
> It's a fascinating cross-section of arts and culture of the 60's, 70's and
> beyond (independent and studio films, underground theater, publications,
> galleries, department stores, etc.).
> Will
> On Sat, December 13, 2008 05:09, eigagogo at wrote:
> Will, Sarah,
> thanks for your feedback!
> Adding artist name would be indeed a valuable service ... unfortunately, i
> don't
> have these informations. However, if someone can provide me such
> informations,
> there's no problem to add them to these pages!
> Regards,
> Martin

Mathieu Capel
67 rue de la Roquette
75011 Paris
06 50 32 45 00 / 01 43 79 19 19
mathieucapel at
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