Tartan closed for business

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jun 29 11:56:04 EDT 2008

I do agree. A number of distributors are content to release anything that has a standard long-haired ghost in it (Shutter, Eye Infinity, The Ghost, Unborn But Forgotten, etc etc). I do believe there are decent horror films being made in Asia (Death Note, Nightmare Detective, Forbidden Siren) but much of the time in the UK it seems that these films are being passed over in favour of Ring and Juon clones. If you absolutely have to release a horror film, it should at least be something different rather than another re-run of the same material that's been around for a decade now. If they'e not willing to that, then it's in their best interest to find something non-horror to release.


--- On Sun, 29/6/08, Sharp Jasper <jasper_sharp at hotmail.com> wrote:

I keep saying this till I'm blue in the face, but distributors of Asian
film over the past 5 years are so myopic its a wonder any of them are still in
business. Aside from effectively killing any new interest in the market by
constantly releasing the same blood guts ghosts and gangster films instead of
some of the great comedies and dramas that have been coming out over the past 5
years, they never seem to actually have an eye out for any new interesting
trends any more. 

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