Kinema Club X: at SCMS in Tokyo

Eija Niskanen eija.niskanen at
Wed May 13 12:27:27 EDT 2009

My comment box would be: add one Q. about whether you are already in
Tokyo and willing to meet for preplanning.

On 5/14/09, Roger Macy <macyroger at> wrote:
> Oliver,
> It requires you to answer yes to Q1, and then to specify your SCMS panel
> number.  So this can only be answered by original SCMS contributors.  That
> may be what you want.  But maybe not, depending upon the level of response.
> I entirely agree with giving priority to original SCMS contributors.
> I was going to say in the comment box :-
> People may be reluctant to commit without knowing anything about cost.
> Thanks for doing this.
> Roger
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Oliver Dew
> To: KineJapan at
> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 4:05 PM
> Subject: Re: Kinema Club X: at SCMS in Tokyo
> This link is to a test version of a potential Kinema Club survey:
> If some of you could have a look at it and try filling it in, that would be
> really helpful. There's a text box at the end of the survey for making
> suggestions for improvements.
> Is the availability date field a good idea? I thought maybe if a venue
> couldn't do the Thursday, but could do the Monday, and so on.
> If we get more than 100 responses, then we'll have to subscribe,
> $19.95/month (you can just buy me a beer)
> Overall question, is this a good idea? Are we in danger of getting ourselves
> all quarantined?
> Again, this is just a test, still plenty of time for rethinks.
> Oliver

Eija Niskanen
c/o Hirasawa
Koenji-kita 4-2-10
Tokyo 166-0002

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