Nippon sengoshi

Roger Macy macyroger at
Fri Nov 13 08:06:42 EST 2009

Dear kinejapaners,
I greatly enjoyed seeing Imamura's Nippon sengo shi: Madamu onboro no seikatsu (History of Postwar Japan as told by a Bar Hostess, 1970) at Sheffield Doc/Fest, even though the aspect ratio was inconsistent.  It was all shown in standard format, including sections shot in widescreen, so that people looked laterally compressed.  I can't see any mention of this by anyone - has it always been like this ?
The print was an english-subtitled Japan Foundation 35mm, which has now been shipped direct to Vienna.

And is there a Japanese word for 'mockumentary' ? - (an english term not invented, according to Wikipedia, until the mid-1980s).

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