Japanese films made abroad

Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 6 06:29:18 EDT 2010

Aloha from Jurassic Park, aka Kaua'i.
Getting some maps from the bookshop, I came across a book 'The Kaua'i Movie Book' and, seeing it had a couple of pages on 'Japanese Film', I couldn't resist.
Wasn't there a small thread a year or two back on Japanese films made abroad ?  I can't seem to find it.  In any case, it couldn't have mentioned Kaua'i, or these three films, since 'Search' on all these words comes up negative :
Hawai Chindochu        SAITO Torajiro               1954
Sanga ari                      MATSUYAMA Zenzo    1962
Yoake no futari            NOMURA Yoshitaro        1968
They are given spurious  english-language titles in the book.  The rest are TV programs.

If any one can remember any films that were on the original thread, so I could find it, I'd be obliged.
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