311: Mediating the Disaster in Japan

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Sun Oct 9 19:24:49 EDT 2011

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2011       
7:00 PM


311: Mediating the Disaster in Japan 

Auditorium (Room 101), Henry R. Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Avenue 


Directed by Mori Tatsuya, Watai Takeharu, Matsubayashi Yojū, and Yasuoka Takaharu
2011 / Japan / HD / 94 Minutes

The award-winning Japanese documentary filmmaker and journalist, Mori Tatsuya, will be bringing his new collaborative work, 311, to Yale. This is one of the first documentaries completed about the March 2011 disaster in Japan and focuses not just on the destruction and human toll, but also, in a self-reflexive fashion, on the fundamental problems of media attempting to report on such suffering. This will be a North American premiere screening.

The screening will be followed by a question and answer session with Mori Tatsuya and a panel discussion with Aaron Gerow (Yale Film Studies; East Asian Language and Literatures), Charles Musser (Yale Film Studies) and Jeff Bayliss (History, Trinity College).

Mori Tatsuya is a documentary filmmaker and writer. Born in 1956 in Hiroshima, he began working in journalism and came to prominence with his controversial feature length documentary on the Aum Shinrikyo cult entitled A (1998). The sequel, A2, won the Special Prize and Citizens Prize at the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival in 2001. He has also published over 20 books critically exploring issues in journalism, the media, and documentary filmmaking.  


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