CFP Teaching Japanese Popular Culture Conference

Deborah Shamoon roxier at
Thu May 3 02:59:50 EDT 2012

Teaching Japanese Popular Culture Conference

National University of Singapore

Department of Japanese Studies

11-12 November 2012

The Department of Japanese Studies at the National University of Singapore
invites proposals for a conference titled Teaching Japanese Popular Culture
to be held on 11 and 12 November, 2012. The conference coincides with Anime
Festival Asia, the largest Japanese pop culture convention in the Southeast
Asia, which will be held in Singapore 9-11 November, 2012.

Interest in popular culture is one of the main factors driving enrollment
in Japanese studies at universities worldwide. However, few models exist
for teaching popular culture, and students are sometimes more knowledgeable
than faculty about current trends. For these reasons, it is to our
advantage as instructors to reflect on the ways in which we can most
effectively teach popular culture and include popular culture topics in the
curriculum. The purpose of this conference is to share pedagogical
approaches to teaching Japanese popular culture and strategies for
incorporating topics related to Japanese popular culture into courses of
all kinds and across all disciplines.

We invite proposals from faculty and graduate students in Japanese studies
across the humanities and social sciences who have experience with
teaching, creating course materials, or developing curricula. Scholars
whose research area covers some aspect of popular culture are welcome, as
well as those whose research is in other areas but who include popular
culture in their teaching. We also encourage proposals from faculty who
incorporate popular culture in Japanese language courses. Topics may
include but are not limited to:

·      using popular culture materials in content-based language instruction

·      using popular culture as a topic in experiential or on-site learning
(for example, study abroad, short trips, or internships)

·      new pedagogical approaches to designing and teaching courses on
manga, anime, television, or video games at the undergraduate level

·      strategies for making visual materials or other media available to
students for classroom purposes, including negotiating copyright

·      creation of on-line material or databases for instructional purposes

·      innovative strategies for including units related to Japanese film,
television, music, sports, video games, or fashion in courses not specific
to popular culture, or courses not specific to Japanese studies

Please send proposals of 250 words for a 20 minute presentation to
jps2012 at Please also include the following:

1. Paper title

2. Presenter's name

3. Affiliation and title

4. Email, telephone, and mailing address

The deadline for proposals is *25 May, 2012.*

Registration fee will be S$150, which covers two lunches and one dinner.

Following the conference, some papers may be selected for inclusion in an
edited volume.

This conference is partially funded by the Japan Foundation and the
National University of Singapore.

For more information and updates, see

Steering Committee:

Deborah Shamoon, Assistant Professor

Chris McMorran, Lecturer

Kam Thiam Huat, Teaching Assistant

Department of Japanese Studies

National University of Singapore
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