[KineJapan] May 31-June 1 Film Screenings: Oscillating Visions: From Underworld to Underground in Japanese Cinema

junko yamazaki junko1 at uchicago.edu
Thu May 30 12:24:58 EDT 2013

Dear KineJapaners,

I apologize for this late notice, but for everyone in the Chicago/ 
Midwest area, there is a great screening/discussion event happening at  
the University of Chicago this weekend. I hope some of you can make it!


Junko Yamazaki
Cinema & Media Studies/East Asian Languages and Civilizations
University of Chicago

Oscillating Visions
 From Underworld to Underground in Japanese Cinema

Friday, May 31 - Saturday, June 1
Logan Center Screening Room 201
915 E 60th St

This two-day screening and discussion of art and avant-garde Japanese  
cinema of the 1960s and 70s complements a retrospective at Doc Films,  
“From Silence to Pandemonium: Art Theater Guild and Japanese  
Underground Cinema, 1962-1974.” Between screenings, Alexander Zahlten  
(Harvard University) and Tom Gunning will lead discussion on the  
aesthetics and politics of the films, considering their historical  
context and their relevance to the present.

Visit the Film Studies Center for more information.

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