[KineJapan] Naruse's "Aki tachinu"

Michael Kerpan mekerpan at verizon.net
Sun Oct 6 09:46:08 EDT 2013

Thanks, Dick -- even though you have made this even MORE confusing. ;~}


 From: Dick Stegewerns <dick.stegewerns at xs4all.nl>
To: Michael Kerpan <mekerpan at kerpan.com>; Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum <kinejapan at lists.service.ohio-state.edu> 
Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2013 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: [KineJapan] Naruse's "Aki tachinu"

Dear Michael,

My classical Japanese classes are quite some time ago, but since
      this is the verb 'tatsu' you would need 'tata-' (izenkei or mizenkei, forgot which one) to make a negation (modern tatanai, or slightly older tatanu), while this more archaic form where -nu is added to 'tachi-' (probably renyokei) is affirmative and thus should mean that something has come about. Although 'tatsu' can also mean 'to leave'...



Op 6-10-2013 6:46, Michael Kerpan schreef:

I think this may have come up before...
>The former standard translation of this film's tile seems to
        have been something like "The Approach of Autumn" (and something
        similar in French).  IMDB now lists the English title as "Autumn
        Has Already Started".  Apparently the -nu in tachinu can
        indicate either negation or that something is starting...  How
        on earth does one figure out which is the correct meaning?
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