[KineJapan] Action on Sunday against urban redevelopment in Koenji

Jeremy Harley jeremyharley at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 01:21:02 EST 2019

Dear All at Kinejapan,
Following on the issue of space for film in Japan....

Koenji, home of our Mabashi festival and of the theater Koenji-za--itself
home to the Tokyo Documentary Film Festival--has been eyed for decades for
major re-development.
Residents seemed to defeat the efforts once, but the plan has been revived.
It is explained in the attached two comics by Matsumoto Hajime of Shiroto
no Ran (Amateur Riot/Revolt), whose recycle shop is in Koenji.

If you are able, please come to a "parade" on Sunday Nov 10 that opposes
this re-development.
Meet at Koenji Chuo Park at 1:30 pm. "Parade" starts at 2:30, proceeding to
>From 6 pm to 10 pm, there will be an event at Loft(ten) in Koenji.

This describes
situation in English, a year ago.
In Japanese, main information is here <https://twitter.com/SAVEKOENJI>, and
more  here <https://ameblo.jp/tsukiji14/entry-12404718623.html>, here
<https://maga9.jp/190911-2/>, and here
There is one article from the above also translated into Korean, here

Please come if you can, and pass this information along to all your friends
in Tokyo!!! (If you friends don't read Japanese, the park is here

Jeremy Harley
Mabashi Wonderland Movie Festival

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