[KineJapan] New Publication: The Culture of the Sound Image in Prewar Japan

Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 8 10:52:24 EST 2020

Thank you Michael and Johan. It sounds terrific and, for me,essential. Thank you for enriching the literature. My winter fuel allowancewill just have to be re-prioritised ;>)
    On Monday, 7 December 2020, 18:11:33 GMT, Michael Raine via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:  
 Johan Nordströmand I are pleased to announce the publication of The Culture of the Sound Image in Prewar Japan, an anthology on the transition to sound in Japanese cinema. We're fortunate to have some terrific contributions from established and emerging Japanese scholars of the period. It's expensive but I hope the book can find its way into libraries and some personal collections.I've pasted the table of contents below.  
The Culture of the Sound Image in Prewar Japan
Table of Contents

Introduction / Michael Raine and Johan Nordström
1. A Genealogy of kouta eiga: Silent Moving Pictures with Sound / Sasagawa Keiko
2. Katsutaro's Trilogy: Popular Song and Film in the Transitional Era from Silent Film to the Talkie / Hosokawa Shuhei
3. Japanese Cinema and the Radio: The Sound Space of Unseen Cinema / Niita Chie
4. Architecture of Sound: The Modernization of Cinematic Space in Japan / Ueda Manabu
5. 'No Interpreter, Full Volume': the Benshi and the Sound Transition in 1930s Japan / Michael Raine
6. The Image of the Modern Talkie Film Studio: Aesthetics and Technology at P.C.L. / Johan Nordström
7. The Dawn of the Talkies in Japan: Mizoguchi Kenji's Hometown / Nagato Yohei
8. The Early talkie frame in Japanese cinema / Itakura Fumiaki
The publisher's page is at:
There's a link on that page to a flyer and a pdf of the introductory chapter, which I've also attached to this email. If you know anyone who would be interested, please let them know!
The book is available to order at:https://www.aup.nl/en/book/9789089647733/the-culture-of-the-sound-image-in-prewar-japan; and in the US at:http://shop.btpubservices.com/Title/9789089647733. There's a 20% off code that can be used at checkout: Pub_SoundImage.  


Michael Raine, Western University, Canadaco-editor, Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema

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