[KineJapan] Symposium_Mediatized Bodies/Torn Representations: The Politics of the East Asian Cold War Culture
Hideaki Fujiki
hfuji at nagoya-u.jp
Sun Jan 10 23:31:34 EST 2021
Dear KineJapan list members,
You are welcome to join us at the symposium below.
All aspects including presentations and discussions are conducted in both Japanese and English via simultaneous interpretation.
Best wishes,
名古屋大学人文学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University
超域文化社会センター 国際シンポジウム TCS International Symposium
Mediatized Bodies/Torn Representations: The Politics of the East Asian Cold War Culture
January 23rd Sat. 9:00am-3:40pm, 24th Sun 8:30am-3:35(JST)
同時通訳(英語-日本語) 入場無料-事前予約要
Simultaneous interpretation(English-Japanese) Admission free, preregistration required
参加登録者用リンク To pre-register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtc-ipqDgtHNZ54PFozFa-NDGTOB6Kkpgf <https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtc-ipqDgtHNZ54PFozFa-NDGTOB6Kkpgf>
Website: https://www.hum.nagoya-u.ac.jp/tcs/topics/ <https://www.hum.nagoya-u.ac.jp/tcs/topics/>
Jan. 23 Sat.
挨拶 Greetings 飯田祐子(名古屋大学人文学研究科附属超域文化社会センター長)/ Yuko Iida (Director of the Center for Transregional Culture and Society, Nagoya University)
趣旨説明 Introduction 星野幸代(名古屋大学)/Yukiyo Hoshino (Nagoya University)
進行 Moderator Nathan Hopson (Nagoya University)
AM 9:00~12:15
SESSION Ⅰ:ポストコロニアル中華圏の断絶と連続性/Discontinuity and Continuity in Postcolonial Greater China
松浦恆雄(大阪市立大学)Tsuneo Matsuura (Osaka City University)
Yue opera post-1949: the emergence of new kinds of media
森平崇文(立教大学)Takafumi Moridaira (Rikkyo University)
The year 1949 and the stars of Shanghai radio
西村正男(関西学院大学)Masao Nishimura (Kwansei Gakuin University)
“Chinese” musicians who stayed in Japan after World War II
三澤真美恵(日本大学)Mamie Misawa (Nihon University)
Two kinds of continuities in “postwar” Taiwanese films
ディスカッサント Discussant:張新民(大阪市立大学)Xinmin Zhang (Osaka City University)
司会 Chair 晏妮(日本映画大学)Ni Yan (Japan Institute of the Moving Image)
PM 13:30~15:40
身体を生きる/身体を越える――表象される「障がい者」/Living the Body/Transcending the Body: The Representation of “Persons with Disabilities"
王紫涵(ノースイースタン大学)Zihan Wang(Northeastern University)
“Miraculous Recovery” from 1949 to 1976 in China: Bodies, Chinese Medicine and Revolution(1949年から1976年にかけて中国で流行した「医学奇跡」言説:身体、中医学そして革命)
松本拓真(立教大学)Takuma Matsumoto (Rikkyo University)
The "Shape" of "Triangle" and the "Shape" of a Family with "a Disabled Member": Kenzaburō Ōe's "Where Are You Going, Father?"
曺榮晙(名古屋大学) Yong-joon Jo(Nagoya University)
A study on Kari no Jidai by Tsushima Yuko- The Mythical Thought for Rehabilitation of Animal body and Sense
王馨怡(名古屋大学)Xinyi Wang (Nagoya University)
Body and Affect: People with Disablilities in Contemporary Japanese Cinema
ディスカッサント Discussant:長山智香子(名古屋大学)Chikako Nagayama (Nagoya University)
趣旨説明・司会 Introduction and Chair 陳敏、杉山雅梨華(名古屋大学)Min Chen, Marika Sugiyama (Nagoya University)
Jan. 24 Sun.
AM 8:30~11:00
SESSION Ⅱ:冷戦期の文化表象と政治性(1)~トランスナショナル
Politics and Cultural Representations during the Cold War Period (1): A Transnational Perspective
北村洋(ウィリアム&メアリー大学)Hiroshi Kitamura (College of William & Mary)
A Blue-Eyed Geisha and Mao Zedong: Hollywood’s Entanglement with East Asia during the Cold War
蘇濤(中国人民大学)「在历史的旋涡中前行:岳枫的沪港电影生涯」Tao Su (Renmin University of China)
Navigating the vortex of history: Yueh Feng’s film career from Shanghai to Hong Kong
イ・ヒャンジン (立教大学) Hyangjin Lee (Rikkyo University)
Breaking Boundary of the Cold War and the Post-National:North Korea’s International Co-production Ventures
ディスカッサント Discussant:馬然(名古屋大学)Ran Ma (Nagoya University)
司会 Chair:藤木秀朗(名古屋大学)Hideaki Fujiki (Nagoya University)
PM 12:00-15:30
SESSION Ⅲ:冷戦期の文化表象と政治性(2)~戦後日本
Politics and Cultural Representations during the Cold War Period (2): Postwar Japan
朴祥美(横浜国立大学)Sang Mi Park (Yokohama National University)
Cultural policies and popular performing arts in postwar Japan
河西秀哉(名古屋大学)Hideya Kawanishi (Nagoya University)
The Cold War and the Singing Voice of Japan: Analyzing popular communist songs
山本昭宏(神戸市外国語大学)Akihiro Yamamoto (Kobe City University of Foreign Language)
The politics of representing Korean residents in Japan in Cold War-era “Yakuza” movies: Analyzing A Man’s Face Shows His Personal History (1966)
ディスカッサント Discussant:川崎賢子(立教大学)Kenko Kawasaki (Rikkyo University)
司会 Chair:韓燕麗(東京大学)Yanli Han (Tokyo University)
総合討論 Roundtable Discussion
司会 Chair :小川翔太(名古屋大学)Shota Ogawa (Nagoya University)
共催: 名古屋大学大学院人文学研究科附属超域文化社会センター
文科省科研費基盤研究(B) 20H01222「貫戦期における日中映画の越境と協働をめぐる総合的研究」(研究代表者:晏妮)
文科省科研費基盤研究(A) 18H03568「建国初期中国を移動する身体芸術メディア・プロパガンダ―戦時期からの継承と展開」(研究代表者:星野幸代)
Organized by: The Center for Transregional Culture and Society, the Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University
Hideaki Fujiki <https://eizogaku.wordpress.com/%E3%81%93%E3%81%AE%E3%82%B5%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A4%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6/%E8%97%A4%E6%9C%A8%E7%A7%80%E6%9C%97%EF%BC%88fujiki-hideaki%EF%BC%89%E6%95%99%E6%8E%88/>, PhD
Professor, Cinema Studies
Center for Transregional Culture and Society,
Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi
JAPAN 464-8601
hfuji at nagoya-u.jp
Nagoya-Warwick PhD Global Screen Studies <https://www.hum.nagoya-u.ac.jp/gss/>
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