new location for LEPS-L archives

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at
Wed Aug 13 16:14:38 EDT 1997

To LEPS-L and subscribers,

Another short announcement to indicate that the LEPS-L archives and
various fact sheets moved recently to a new location on the web:

The material that used to be accessible via the old Peabody Museum
gopher server is at this new spot.  The Online Lepidopterists'
Who's Who (OLWW), maintained by Phil Schappert, can also now be 
found at the new location (it can also be retrieved via email
by sending a message to: listproc at, and in the body
of the email say: get leps-l olww).

: Lawrence F. Gall                  e-mail: lawrence.gall at  :
: Computer Systems Office            voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
: Peabody Museum, Yale University      FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
: New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA   :

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