Maruca testulalis >> vitrata
ernst neering
Ernst.Neering at STAFF.TPE.WAU.NL
Thu Aug 28 11:27:21 EDT 1997
For a review of the species of Maruca (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) currently
undertaken by G. Helmers at Museum of Entomology, University of Amsterdam, as
well as for my own reporting on integrated pest management in legumes crops,
I am looking for the publication where the name Maruca testulalis was changed
to M. vitrata.
This extremely important legumes pest is studied all over the tropics and
there are plenty publications about it. However, only few are on its
Preliminary results of the study by Helmers showed that, based on its
morphology, Maruca testulalis/vitrata is one and the same species all over
the world, but that the population of M. amboinalis from Irian Jaya/New
Guinea seems to be a mix of two or more species.
For some years now, CABI-IIE changes the name testulalis consequently to
vitrata in the edited part of the references in Review of Agricultural
Entomology. The synonymy is included in Munroe's part in Atlas of Neotropical
Lepidoptera Vol 3, edited by Heppner. The only reference I could find which
may document the change of name is the article by H.S. Rose & A.P. Singh.
1989. Use of internal reproductive organs in the identification of Indian
species of the genus Maruca Walker (Pyraustinae: Puralidae: Lepidoptera).
Journal of Advanced Zoology Vol 10 (2): 99-103,
but this publication is not available in the Netherlands and I did not yet
get a reply from the authors at Patiala, Punjab, India.
My requests are:
Who has access to this article by Rose and Singh and could send me a
Is it the one where the change of name is proposed?
Who has information on differences in biology between the American and the
African-Asian populations of Maruca testulalis/vitrata
(I found a highly susceptible cowpea variety from Nigeria to escape from
attack in Suriname, although I caught hundreds of Maruca moths in the nearby
lighttrap, suggesting possible sibbling of the species)
Anticipated thanks!
Ernst Neering office: Dept. Theoretical Production Ecology
Harnjesweg 45 Wag. Agric. Univ., P.O. Box 430
6706 AR Wageningen 6700 AK Wageningen
The Netherlands The Netherlands
Phone: .. 31 317 418623
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