Lysandra coridon x L. bellargus

Nick.Bowles at Nick.Bowles at
Fri May 30 07:21:32 EDT 1997

A report of L. coridon (male) Chalkhill Blue, flying with L. bellargus Adonis Blue; on 14 .5.97 is highly unusual.

Normally L. coridon flies in July/August in the UK and the rest of Europe.  L. bellargus flies in May and again in August; so the two fly together in late summer.

It has been suggested that this early specimen was actually a hybrid between the two closely related species.

Does anyone have any knowledge of the probability that such a pairing could produce viable offspring in the wild?
Are there other examples of equally early Chalkhill (L. coridon) from anywhere else?
Are there records of breeders managing to artificially pair the species and then rear the progeny?

Nick Bowles    94 Miswell Lane
 Tring, Herts.  HP23 4EX  UK
    tel     +44 (0) 1442 824 407


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