Two books available

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Wed Nov 5 15:00:25 EST 1997

Two fairly new books that were apparently unavailable in the US for a 
while are now available (or available again). Both have a strong British 
flavor (flavour) and were published in the UK.  They're not cheap. 

Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies edited by Andrew S. Pullin 
(Chapman and Hall) was published in 1995.  ca $70.
	It has chapters on butterfly monitoring, butterfly mobility 
(dispersal), metapopulations in fragmented landscapes, conservation on 
nature reserves, farmlands, grasslands, and woodlands.  There is also a 
section on managing endangered species including Papilio machaon, 
Lycaena dispar, Carterocephalus palaemon, etc.  There are 8 chapters on 
regional conservation (mainly in Europe), but with one chapter each on 
Afrotropical, Australian and North American regions.
	I haven't finished it yet, but many of the chapters are very 

Along the same lines is the book MONITORING BUTTERFLIES FOR ECOLOGY AND 
CONSERVATION by E. Pollard and T.J. Yates.   1993.  I got the paperback 
edition for $40.  The chapters include: the status of British 
butterflies, aims of monitoring, validating monitoring methods, national 
monitoring, local distribution, fluctuation in numbers, colonization and 
extinction, effects of weather, migration, flight periods, widespread 
butterflies, rare butterflies, site studies, population ecology, 
climatic warming, 

There is a summary table on the phenology, voltinism, mobility, 
courtship and main food plants of butterflies in Britain. 

I don't know whether British butterfly observers find these chapters as 
interesting I did.

I ordered mine from Patricia Ledlie Bookseller, Buckfield, ME 04220 (in 
whom I have no financial interest). 

Mike Gochfeld

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