Butterfly records needed

J.B.Murray (John Murray) J.B.Murray at open.ac.uk
Thu Nov 6 07:06:16 EST 1997

Just a reminder that we are now starting work on the 1997 Hertfordshire and
Middlesex Butterfly report, to be published in February.  

Any records of butterfly species, common or rare, seen in London north of the
Thames, Hertfordshire or Middlesex, U.K. are welcome, preferably by this weekend
(November 9th).  

John Murray,
Marshalls Heath,            Telephones:  Home:  (0)1582 833544
Wheathampstead,                               Work:  (0)1908 652118
Herts. AL4 8HS
U.K.                                 Email:          j.b.murray at open.ac.uk

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