UTETHESIA - illustrated keys?

Goran Arnqvist Goran.Arnqvist at animecol.umu.se
Tue Sep 30 05:13:37 EDT 1997

Dear Leps-L:ers,

I am looking for a key/revision/review of the genus Utethesia (Arctidae), 
including illustrations of male genitalia (valves and/or aedegi) for as many 
species as possible. Is there anyone out there, with any experience of 
Utethesia, that can give me a hint as to a good source for this?

Previous postings has been unsuccessful, unfortunatelly.

Any tips will be greatly appreciated!

All the best /Goran Arnqvist

 |              Welcome to visit my homepage at:                  |
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 |                                                                |
 | @@@   @@@  @@@       @@@  @@@   @@@                            |
 | @@@   @@@  @@@@     @@@@  @@@   @@@     Dr. Goran Arnqvist     |
 | @@@   @@@  @@@ @@ @@ @@@  @@@   @@@   Dept. of Animal Ecology  |
 | @@@   @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@   @@@     University of Umea     |
 |  @@@ @@@   @@@   @   @@@   @@@ @@@        S-901 87 Umea        |
 |   @@@@@    @@@       @@@    @@@@@            Sweden            |
 |                                                                |
 |     Phone: +46 90 7867704 or 7865272 Fax: +46 90 7867665       |
 |           Email: Goran.Arnqvist at animecol.umu.se                |

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