Widespread New England immigrant.
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Mon Apr 27 07:24:35 EDT 1998
Perhaps someone with better video can give a more definitive
identification but it looks like Coenonympha [tullia] inornata, the
Plain or Inornate Ringlet. Now considered conspecific with C.tullia
[Large Heath] of Europe, inornata was named by Edwards (1961). It has
spread eastward and southward, invading New York in the 1980's. The
first New Jersey record was in 1994.
We gave its Current status in NJ as: "Recently (1994) invaded
New Jersey, and is already widely established as a resident in Sussex
County (1995; Wander). Reported as widespread in Orange County, NY
(1994; Yrizarry). Will likely spread farther south quickly."
[Butterflies of New Jersey, 1997]. That prediction was borne out, and
in 1997 it was recorded in central NJ.
It was really common in some areas of northern NJ last year,
with two flight periods (August is the second peak).
More is known about it in the western US.
It is certainly spreading rapidly.
M. Gochfeld
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