California County moth list

Kelly Richers kerichers at
Fri Dec 4 15:51:51 EST 1998

Since the Alaska county question came up, it seems a good time to go ahead and let Leps-L people know of what is happening in California.  With the assistance of many people, I am putting together a county list of the moths of California, with a record from each county for which a specimen can be located.  Anyone who has collected in California who has data may assist, and anyone who has contributed a number of records will receive a copy of the master list, and any specific counties of interest.  The master list will be at 12,000 entries by January, and I print a hardcopy every 3000 entries.  Anyone who wishes to contribute or request a copy of entries for any individual county may do so.  Individual county records from the 9,000 entry level  are available now for $3.00 to cover mailing and reproduction costs (up to 10 counties for that price)  For the entire list, when it gets to 12,000 entries, please send $6.00

The address is: Kelly Richers, 9417 Carvalho Court, Bakersfield, CA 93311 

Entries to the list should take the form of the following 14 categories, or as much as is known for these categories:  MONA #, Genus, species (and subspecies if needed), sex, location of capture, elevation in feet, county, state (all CA) , date of collection, collector, notes, (such as at light, or diurnal, etc)  location of specimen, species describer (only needed if described after MONA numbers came out) and identifier of specimen.  

MONA stands for the Hodges checklist, Moths of North America

Members of the Lepidopterists' Society saw this posted in the last NEWS, but not everyone on this list is a member. 

Any of this information that is known will be entered.  The list is currently in Microsoft Works format.  I would prefer a mailed E-mail or hardcopy as it is easier to work with.  Any submissions are welcome.  Anyone knowing of museum data that could help this is encouraged to send it.  I will pay reasonable costs for persons who go out of their way to help this.  Thank you.  Kelly Richers

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