Polygonia c-aureum auteur ?

Guy Van de Poel Guy_VdP at t-online.de
Thu Dec 10 15:05:24 EST 1998

Hello all,

A few moments ago I was trying to find the year Linnaeus published the
butterfly now known as Polygonia c-aureum.
I found three different dates :

Linnaeus, 1758 (Markku Savela's site)
Linnaeus, 1763 (Hong Kong Leps group)
Linnaeus, 1767 (Korshunov & Gorbunov, translated by O. Kosterin)

Can anybody help me out?

As an aside, I think I remember seeing a message (don't know if it was on
this list) some (long) time ago about a copy of Linnaeus' work from 1758,
available (scanned ?) somewhere on the net. Does this sound familiar to
somebody ?


Guy Van de Poel
Guy_VdP at t-online.de

Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp

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