anyone know what this moth is? ( UK )

Matti Jantunen jantsa at
Mon Jul 27 03:28:12 EDT 1998

In article <35b9de8b.4644162 at nntp.netcruiser>, rizyla at (Riz) says:
>I was trying out my new digicam in some woods yesterday when I saw
>this moth on the ground, being attacked by a wasp.
>Well, I got rid of the wasp and got this pic,
>I think it was about 8cm across.
>I've looked in a couple of books but can't find anything that looks
>much like it.

Moth in the picture is Laothoe populi (Linnaeus,1758) poplar hawkmoth, female.
L.populi has a relative Laothoe amurensis (Staudinger 1892) aspen hawkmoth. It remains a lot L. populi, and these two spieces can make a hybrid.

This information came from Finland.

Matti :o 

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