caterpillar identification please -Reply

Nick Greatorex-Davies NGD at
Mon Jun 22 06:14:48 EDT 1998

Sounds like they could be caterpillars of the Small Eggar Moth,
(Eriogaster lanestris, family Lasiocampidae), though your description
does not quite match. Ths Small Eggar is a much decreasd species in the
UK, but can still be found on Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and Hawthorn
(Crataegus monogyna) hedges out in the open countryside in lowland
Britain, they certainly occur surprisingly frequently here in


Nick Greatorex-Davies
ITE Monks Wood

>>> "leney" <leney at> 20/June/1998 11:07pm >>>
Caterpillars sooty black, 9 fine vertical yellow lines on each side, long,
very fine dorsal hairs, pale brown. Rear 4 pairs legs orange, front 3
black.  Food, hawthorn.  Colony living in silk tent.  Active during day.
Mid Norfolk. England.  Any ideas?    Carla.

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