
Barrie Harwood barrie.harwood at
Mon Jun 22 13:52:56 EDT 1998

Hi both..
I have these on my Buddlia as well. I think you will find it is the larvae
of the Mullien Moth and the larvae is in fact polyphagus( i.e. - it will eat
almost anything). Hope this is of help


Ceri Jones wrote in message <01bd9dc5$10093940$LocalHost at default>...
>Hello Everyone, I am new to the list, and I was very pleased to find it.
>I live in the town of Barry In the Vale of Glamorgan Wales, Both my wife
>myself are very interested in observing butterflies etc.
>I am trying to identify a caterpillar that I have on my budlia plants.
>it is approx. 1.5 inches long pale pastel green with black and yellow dots
>on it it has some hairs but not many. looking at it from the top
>the colour of the dots is black yellow then black again I hope someone can
>help, I must get some more books by the looks of it.
>We turned our garden into a butterfly friendly zone four years ago and
>started to reap the benefits last year, when speckled woods started to lay
>Eggs on the longer grass that I left for them. thanks in advance Ceri
>Ceri Jones.  Wales U.K.
>International Asclepiad Society. Seed Bank Secretary.

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