Undet. Papilionid from Rio Grande Valley, TX

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Mon Nov 2 12:31:00 EST 1998

Alexei G. Belik wrote:
> IMHO, such postings like these two of Mr. Quinn, are very
> annoying for those of us who must pay for the amount of the
> traffic to their ISP!

I heartily concur. They gave my computer the hiccups and it made 12
copies of the thing. It then refused to delete them and I had to log off
and begin again.
Yet more distressing is the notion that, upon seeing a "butterfly" he
could not identify, he killed it. Had it been truly a rarety, rather
than a stray, assuming that he is not festooned with permits, this would
have been a criminal act. 
I am sure that the collectors on this list have already corrected Mr.
Quinn in private ... 
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

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