Placement of two Tenoidea genera and species.

Paul M. Sammut pasammut at
Thu Nov 12 12:33:48 EST 1998

Hello all,

	Can anyone help me with the placing of these two genera from Tinoidea:

Antitinea, instituted by G.Amsel in 1955 for the species Antitinea
deluccae Amsel, 1955

Praeacedes, also institued by Amsel in 1954 for Praeacedes deluccae
Amsel 1954. This latter species is now synonymous with P. thecophora
Walsingham, 1908 which is in turn synonymous with Praecedes atomosella
Walker, 1863.

I need to know the validity of these genera and of the species mentioned
and to which sub-family they belong. Both genera and species are not
listed in Karsholt & Razowski.

Thanks to all.

Paul Sammut 

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