RFI Costa Rica

Wanda Dameron be496 at lafn.org
Thu Nov 12 13:41:35 EST 1998

Thanks in advance for opening this and considering responding.  We are
most appreciative of any/all advice you may have and will be glad to
give feedback...

	Four of us are planning a trip to Costa Rica in late January,  early
February with our prime goal of butterflying, but as former hard-core
birders we'll hope to see many of these along the way....   
Since there is considerable published information regarding birds, we
are particularly interested in:

1.  Lodging recommendations in: (preferably low-moderate cost: clean 
with comfortable bed, running water--doesn't need to be fancy)

	a.  La Selva area (other than La Selva Lodge-booked)
	b.  San Vito	(Wilson station booked by groups way ahead)
	c.  San Jose
	d.  San Isidro	
	e.  other?

2.  Any butterfier contacts within the country and/or where to get a
list of Lycaenidae & Hesperidae (Hairstreaks, Skippers, etc.)

3.  Car rental experiences--suggestions of what to avoid, road
conditions, etc.

4.  Experience with the intra-country airline to San Vito.

5.  Problems in trying to set up your own itinerary, reservations,
6.  Anything else you think may be of interest...

	THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your time and effort in sharing....

				Cheers, Wanda Dameron
					Canoga Park, California

> Have you given any consideration to putting out an inquiry on the Lep
> line about anyone with recommendations on where to stay in C.R., any in
> country contacts for information, experiences others have had with car
> rentals and driving conditions,  Mary

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