Creation of newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera

Chris Raper triocomp at
Tue Nov 24 12:03:09 EST 1998

On Tue, 24 Nov 1998 15:53:52 +0000, ian john waller
<ian at> wrote:

Hi Ian

>I think I am active in the lepidoptera scene in the northeast, but I
>have only been a sparodic poster to the leps-list because I have felt
>slightly uneasy about posting some news items 

Certainly, sometimes I think I am guilty of that one. But in general I
think that the general volume of postings suggests that we should be a
little less restrained sometimes - some regular contributors to other
groups seem to post stuff that has little or no relevance - but it is
tollerated and creates good discussion.

>Examples would be the return to the northeast of the holly blue
>or, someone who rang E.N. saying they had a dead speckled wood 
>or, the finding of cinnabar (Tyria jacobaeae) larvae in Hamsterley
>Forest, the first for Co. Durham since 1956.

I understand and ackowledge your point but I would say that neither of
these cases would have prevented me from posting the information to
s.b.e.l.    :-)

As long as the subject header clearly states 'UK' in it, I can't see
that American or European readers are going to object. Very often (but
don't ask me to quote examples) a discussion is started on this side
of the pond about a UK lep which has been added to by a non-UK
benefiting everyone.

>If the general consensus is that news such is this is relevant to a
>global audience, then I am happy to accept this.

Try it and see  :-)

>But, at the minute I feel these items are extremley small fish in a big

Go on - post. 

If someone complains then we can think about creating this new group
but until there is a concensus of opinion in s.b.e.l that too many UK
posts are irrelevant I would assume that a) readers are happy to read
about our leps or b) they have kill-filtered me long ago! :-)

Chris R.

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