Creation of newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera

Chris Raper triocomp at
Thu Nov 26 06:34:12 EST 1998

On 25 Nov 1998 12:32:48 -0800, MWalker at (Mark Walker) wrote:

>Well, I thought that I had answered this - as it applies to me anyhow.  

Hi Mark 

Sorry if I haven't been paying enough attention :-)

>The reports that we receive from the UK (and everywhere else, for
>that matter) are of particular interest to me.  

Thanks - if anything comes of this argument I hope that it encourages
more UK-lurkers to post to s.b.e.l if they have something to say.

>the implication here has been that many of the currently active participants
>from the UK desire to take their conversation to a more local forum.  

Well I think the numbers 'for' are not all that many - and as the
argument goes on a few are starting to change alliegance.

>I, for one, would be disappointed if this resulted in fewer posts from the UK.

Thanks for you support on this. If it comes to a vote I hope we can
count on all who feel this way to vote against the new group.

Best wishes,
Chris R.

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