Belize Butterflies

llecerf at llecerf at
Thu Oct 22 21:55:03 EDT 1998

In article <ce08c389.362f9043 at>,
  Burnetted at wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks for the new thread!  I have stopped reading the common vs scientific
> name thread.  I have a question for you (and others interested in the topic).
> I spent two weeks in Belize in July in an ecology workshop for teachers, one
> week in the jungle, and one on a caye.  I was the only person on the trip
> interested in butterflies, and had no resources for identifying what I saw, so
> I came home with exactly three field identifications of species I know from
> North America.  Very frustrating!  In birding, I did much better because I had
> Howell & Webb's *Birds of Mexico and Central America*.
> So here's my question:  Are there any resources (books, monographs, etc.) for
> field identification of butterflies in Belize?  I hope to go again next summer
> and would love to be able to record what I see.  (I won't be doing a
> collection, just field identification and photography.)
> Thanks for helping us move on.
> Dennis Burnette
> Greensboro, NC
> burnetted at
There is an article in the last issue of "news of the Lepidopterists' Society"
about Belize, made by Mathew Barnes.
The reference who can reach is
Hope it will help you.

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