what are poisons for traps?

Dalius Dapkus daldap at vpuserv.vpu.lt
Thu Apr 15 03:25:36 EDT 1999

Dear  Andrew,

you made a mistake, i.e. you are thinking only about the trap 
which is hanging in your garden! But think about some traps which are 
in a distance of a hundren or more kilometres from each other! It is 
impossible to check them every morning. So they are checked once a 
week. And if you do not use any poison you will find a big mess in 
your trap after a week...
> PS It is just as despicable to feed the local bird population with the
> contents of the trap, much better to release the insects after dark or near
> shrubbage.
It is a mistake too because you can not feed "local  bird 
population": it will die too because of the poison absorbed in moths.



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