Help identifying a moth...

Tom Meunier tmeunier at
Fri Apr 16 08:01:52 EDT 1999


The picture of the male of that species is very, very close.  The only real
difference is that this moth is pure white and pure black, which is what
made it so striking.  I'll try to narrow it down from this point; I suppose.
This species stumbled into the US, and it does indeed have outlined spots:
Little circles drawn in india ink. Sorry about the vague description; I
don't know much about moths.
Thanks for the pointers.   Newsgroups that make an amateur feel welcome and
helped are what's great about the internet.   I hope I can be as generous to
visitors to the technical newsgroups I subscribe to / lurk on.


Pierre Zagatti wrote in message <3716E54E.5F49845B at>...
>Although it's really hazardous to identify a critter with vague
>the black and white pattern with spots OUTLINED suggest an arctiid
>belonging to the genus Hypercompe (= Ecpantheria).
>You may have a look at a tropical Hypercompe at:
>but species occuring in the US show darker spots with higher contrast.

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