What was this in my garden?

Walter Schön Walter.Schoen at t-online.de
Fri Aug 20 16:54:32 EDT 1999


just yesterday the editorial staff of a German newspaper contacted me : They
described a caterpillar like yours and asked for identification!

I think you  have seen the caterpillar of the  Elephant Hawk-moth
(Deilephila elpenor). It's well known that it is feeding of fuchsia.

I've designed a page with pictures of the caterpillar (green form as well as
brown form) and the moth :

Use   http://www.schmetterling-raupe.de/elpenor.htm

My homepage is presenting many pictures of German Butterflies :

http://www.schmetterling-raupe.de   (section   "Schmetterlinge")

Walter Schoen

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