Postman Butterfly

Neil Jones Neil at
Tue Dec 28 05:49:35 EST 1999

In article <OLIcTNNU$GA.352 at cpmsnbbsa03>
           hyphae at "Scott Mcphee" writes:

> While in Costa Rica this spring I took some pictures of a butterfly with the
> common name of Postman.  Can anyone provide me with the scientific name for
> this butterfly?
> Thank you,
> Scott

The Postman is usually the name given to Heleconius melpomene, however there
are many species that are similar. Heleconius erato in particular has a 
mimetic relationship with H. melpomene. The two butterflies exist in
a variety of different forms across South and Central America but where ever
they occur there is a strong and close resemblance between the two species. 

Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve

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