Looking for book on lep eyes .....(Shinkyo-Press,1963)

Christopher Erickson chrerick at email.msn.com
Sun Jul 11 22:04:50 EDT 1999

Sunsol Daniels <MYTZ14A at prodigy.com> wrote in message
news:7ma5lb$68oe$1 at newssvr04-int.news.prodigy.com...
> ceruleanfoam at hotmail.com (David Rice) wrote:
> >
> >Does anyone know where I can find the following reference?
> >  Yagi, N. and N. Koyama. 1963. The compound eye of the lepidoptera,
> Shinkyo
> >- Press. 319 pp.
> >
> >I've had the hardest time tracking it down.....
> >
> >VR,
> >David L. Rice III
> >Fish and Wildlife Division, Camp Lejeune
> I have heard that there are great book-finding sites on the web. They
> direct you to the independant rare book stores that have the book you
> want.  As a result of these sevices, business at antique book stores is
> booming.  But maybe the book is current?
> Sally

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