(Fwd) Re: "we will slowly lose the amateur entomologists"

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Thu Jun 24 20:33:11 EDT 1999

Paul wrote: 
But are we gaining professional entomologists Mike? It's been my 
impression that the 
number of students majoring in entomology at our ag colleges peaked in 
the 1970's and has been on the decline ever since. What has been the 
situation at your school?


Could the same thing be said for all branches of organismic (whole 
animal) biology.  It's worrisome to have colleagues who consider an 
animal a confounder to be ignored, who have little interest in adaptive 
value (whatever that is), and who don't know what animal is related to 
what other animal.

Mike Gochfeld

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