RFI: Caterpillar & Gympie-Gympie

Victor Yue yuess at singnet.com.sg
Fri Jun 25 02:37:08 EDT 1999

Hi folks,
Just back from a short family holiday in Cairns, Australia, and in one of our
"nature adventure" trip, we were shown a plant called the "Stinging Plant" or
"Gympie-Gympie" in the Aboriginal Language. We were told that if our skin were
to brush against the leaves of this plant, we would get the pain on the skin of
contact, and it could last for as long as 3 months!

Interestingly, we were also told that there is a caterpillar that feeds on the
leaves of this plant. The guide could not tell us what caterpillar it is. So,
this is where I am seeking your advice. (^^) What could this caterpillar be? And
is it a butterfly?

Thank you and with best regards,

Victor Yue
email: yuess at singnet.com.sg
URL: http://www.singnet.com.sg/~yuess
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