Border Patrol run-ins

Paul Cherubini paulcher at
Thu Jun 24 17:03:05 EDT 1999

Like Mark Walker, I've encountered the most trouble with the border patrol in Texas. I 
like to visit the border areas in October when monarch butterflies are passing through into 
Mexico. Agents seeing me wielding my huge 3.5 foot wide butterfly net have been 
reluctant to buy my story that it is solely being used to catch butterflies. They think my 
"butterfly collecting" is a cover for other kinds of activities.  I've had my car inspected for 
drugs and guns and then (like Mark) warned that I should avoid border areas for my own 
personal safety.

On the positive side, a couple friends had a pleasant encounter with a California highway 
patrol officer along interstate 5 in central California. They were collecting monarchs in a 
milkweed field growing within a freeway cloverleaf (technically state property). The 
officer stopped to inquire, then said "it's my lunch break, can I help?" There was a sight 
to behold - a CHP officer waltzing through a milkweed field with a butterfly net!

Paul Cherubini

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