Eastern San Diego Co.

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Wed Mar 17 12:08:32 EST 1999


The classification of this checkerspot has been confounded by the use of the
name "Quino".  The butterfly is a sub-species (or race) of chalcedona, and
is principally found in the arid eastern foothills of the Laguna mountains.
It is not a sub-species of E. editha.

I understand that the common name "Quino Checkerspot" has been used for the
sub-species of E. editha that flies in the coastal foothills of Orange and
San Diego Co. (and is currently listed, I believe).  That is not what I saw
in the desert last Friday.  Too bad!

Mark Walker
Mission Viejo, CA

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	eric w hein [SMTP:ewh1 at juno.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, March 16, 1999 11:40 PM
> To:	MWalker at gensym.com
> Subject:	RE: Eastern San Diego Co.
> Hi Mark:
> I'm really curious about your observation of Quino checkerspot
> butterflies near Shelter Valley, San Diego County.  Can you tell me some
> more about the exact location where you saw the 12 individuals, say on a
> Thomas Brothers guide?   Not to question your identification skills, but
> are you sure the specimens were Quino checkerspot and not Chalcedon
> checkerspot.  This would be a new eastern location for Quino.  I'd love
> to learn more.  For example, did you observe any dot seed plantain
> (Plantago erecta), the Quino's larval food plant?
> Any information would be greatly appreciated.
> Eric Hein
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