Quino checkerspot butterfly

fred_heath at power-one.com fred_heath at power-one.com
Mon Mar 22 13:15:40 EST 1999

        To answer Neil Jone's earlier question, this article says that all 
     pending development from San Diego to Ventura County (just north and 
     east of L.A.) needs to show that there are no Quino Checkerspots on 
     the land before development can proceed. Although a number of survey's 
     were done last year in reasonable habitat (many came up negative 
     except in a few places in Riverside and San Diego counties). 
        I almost feel sorry for the developers because any surveys done 
     this year (a relative drought year with few of any species flying) may 
     not be acceptable even if no evidence is found of the butterflies 
        The article mentions (and I can not vouch for the accuracy of this 
     article or even, for that matter, my interpretation of the material 
     presented) that Rudi Mattoni feels that the focus should be on 
     protecting and enhancing habitat which we know is prime for the 
     butterfly (either because butterflies have been noted there or there 
     is much of the foodplant (a plantain)) and not tying up every 
     development in S.Calif. At first this sounds maybe a touch 
     pro-development, but understand that the backlash from an unreasonable 
     holding up of all development might be far worse in the long run. 

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Subject: Quino checkerspot butterfly 
Author:  <Cicndela at aol.com> at -INTERNET-MAIL
Date:    3/21/99 9:36 AM

There is an article in Real Estate section of the Los Angeles Times on the 
Quino checkerspot butterfly.

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