Opler's Peterson Guide to the Western Butterflies

Felix Sperling sperling at nature.berkeley.edu
Wed May 19 03:12:21 EDT 1999

Well - I just got a copy of Opler and Wright's Peterson Field Guide
to the Western Butterflies of North America. It is superb!

The maps are detailed, accurate and large enough to be really
informative. They are placed in the text with the species accounts.

The taxonomy is balanced, with name changes based on only the most
strongly supported research.

A section at the start of the book has drawings of butterflies
that are conveniently organized to allow "picture book" identifications
in the usual Peterson style. The rest of the text is studded with
more than a hundred excellent close-up photos of butterflies in nature.

I'm certain that this will be one of those much-loved books that I take
with me where ever I go!


 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 Felix Sperling                   office: 510 642 4296
 Assistant Professor              lab:    510 642 7410
 201 Wellman Hall                 fax:    510 642 7428
 ESPM - Insect Biology
 University of California         sperling at nature.berkeley.edu
 Berkeley,  CA  94720-3112

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