Opler's Peterson Guide to the Western Butterflies

Phil Schappert philjs at mail.utexas.edu
Mon May 24 12:52:07 EDT 1999

On 19 May 1999 12:05:02 -0700, sperling at nature.berkeley.edu (Felix
Sperling) wrote:

>Well - I just got a copy of Opler and Wright's Peterson Field Guide
>to the Western Butterflies of North America. It is superb!

Hi Felix,

It is a HUGE improvement isn't it. Now if Paul can convince Amy to
help him revise the Eastern guide to the same format...

I do have to say that I was disappointed to see that there are, now,
apparently only three says to study butterflies: watch, garden and
photograph. Seems that PC has hit the butterfly field guide business
in a big way.  Whatever happened to making a collection?!? It's not
for everyone but it IS a valid way to study butterflies...


Dr. Phil Schappert

Section of Integrative Biology,     Stengl-Lost Pines Biological Station, 
School of Biological Sciences       University of Texas,
University of Texas,                401 Old Antioch Rd, 
Austin, TX 78712-1064               Smithville, TX 78957 
Office/Lab: 512-471-8240            Station: 512-237-3864
Fax: 512-471-9651                   Fax: 512-237-3864 (call ahead) 

mailto:philjs at mail.utexas.edu       http://www.esb.utexas.edu/philjs

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