monarch butterfly rescue

jerseygypsy at jerseygypsy at
Mon Nov 8 22:48:44 EST 1999

almost six weeks ago my nine year old niece rescued a monarch from the
claws of the neighbors cat. its wings are shredded and it cannot fly,
but daily she picks fresh flowers, sprays them with water and feeds her
butterfly. she has even taken it out to the garden and let it nourish
from the plants on calm warm days.   monica monarch, as she is called,
has developed a personality, has no fear of humans and will immediately
go to the fresh flowers.  shes really cute, but very pitiful looking
without her beautiful wings.  

we are overdue for a good frost, which will mean no more fresh flowers,
does anyone have any suggestions on what my niece can do to prolong the
longevity of monica?  we know what will eventually happen, but think it
is amazing that the butterfly is still alive.  any and all suggestions
will be greatly appreciated.  if you can help, please email me.  thanks.  

i know butterflies like ammonia, can anyone tell me why??

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